Here are some frequently asked questions. We've broken it into two sections, one for what the app does/how it works. And another for how you do certain things. If you don't find what you're looking for here please feel free to drop us a line.

Does the app....?

Does the app cost anything?
Does the app sync elsewhere or backup?
Does the app have storage limits?
Does the app have security?

How do I....?

How do I Rename or Delete a Folio?
How do I Move, Edit, or Delete an item?
How do I reset a lost password?
How do I Filter items by type?
How do I Sort items?
How do I add items to a Folio?
How do I search for items in a Folio?
How do I rename a Folio?

Does the app cost anything?
No. It's completely free. There is no trial period or reduced functionality. There are no premium upgrades or in app purchases at this time either. In the future we may come up with new features or improvements that we may offer for a fee. But none of the original functionality or features that exist now will cost anything.

Does the app sync elsewhere or back up?
No. All of the data is stored on your device. There is no connection to an outside server. We may offer this as an option in the future.

Does the app have storage limits?
No. You can store as much as you want in each Folio. And you can have as many Folios as you like. You're limited only by the available storage on your device.

Does the app have security?
Yes, on the main list page you can go to Settings at the top left and set a password or use TouchID to secure the app.

How do I Rename or Delete a Folio?
On the page that lists all your Folios slide the tile for the Folio you want to change towards the left. You will see an Edit and Delete button. You can delete the whole Folio, or just it's contents. Or you can Edit the name of it.

How do I Move, Edit, or Delete an item?
Inside your Folio, when looking at all the items, you will see towards the top right just under the orange header a Select link. Hit Select, and now all the items in your Folio will have buttons overlaid on them that allow you to Move them to another Folio, Edit the name, or Delete them entirely.

How do I reset a lost password?
You can not. We do not store your password. Do not lose or forget your password. Only you and your device have this information.

How do I Filter items by type?
Inside your Folio, when looking at all the items, you will see towards the top just under the orange header a row of icons. If you select any of these icons then only items of that type will be displayed. To turn the filter off just select it again. It's blue when active.

How do I Sort items?
Inside a Folio at the top in the orange header is a Sort toggle. It's default is set to Sort by Name of the item. You can tap it and it will sort by most recent first. The display is showing which toggle will happen if you select, NOT which toggle is active.

How do I add items to a Folio?
At the bottom of your new Folio are icons for each type of contact, select whichever type you want to add.

How do I search for items in a Folio?
Inside a Folio at the top right in the orange header is a Search icon. Tap it and in the search box type any part of an items title to find all items in that folio whose title contains your search string.